It is the third time Novadan publishes its CSR report.
The report contains an overview of Novadan’s social, ethical and environmental efforts in our business, our historical development in this area and our future goals.
We attempt to be as transparent as possible with the purpose of enlightening our huge focus on the area.
As this is of high priority, we will continually develop and evaluate the report. Take a look at the report: CSR report
The CSRD states that sustainability reporting must encompass a description of companies’ sustainable strategies (for companies above a certain size) as well as the most critical impacts, risks and opportunities related to climate, environment, social aspects, and management (ESG).
It is required that the report covers both the essentials for the companies themselves and those within their value chain.
With the new standards, there is an increased emphasis on value chains. The new regulation will indirectly affect smaller companies, not subject to the legislation, as the larger companies will require information from their customers and suppliers throughtout the value chain. Novadan is part of this value chain.